Saturday, November 19, 2016

Week: 4 Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions EDUC 6164

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

One example of microaggression that I have observed this week, was when I was in line at the pharmacy and an individual made a comment about a non English speaking woman who was having trouble understanding her medication because there was no translator working at the time.  The individual stated;  

" Why can't these people learn English when they come to this country".

The context of this microaggression was a form of racism portraying micro insults.  I believe that the psychological dilemma was a clash of racial realities.

Growing up when I was a child I had experienced forms of prejudice and racism towards myself as well. 

" You are pretty for a black girl".   
"What projects did you grow up in?"
"I never see your father, is he in jail?"
" Nicole is black, she can tell you how to fry chicken." 

These brief everyday verbal indignities were insulting messages that seemed to be sometimes intentional and unintentional.  

The racism microaggression hidden messages that I interpreted was;
just because my race is black i should know that

" All Black girls are not pretty".
" All Black people come from low income housing projects."
" All Black men go to jail".
"All Black women should know how to fry chicken".      

 I am now educated enough to know that I was a victim of micro invalidation's and micro insults. I have learned that these statements form from a lack of understanding and education. 

It makes me upset to know that these behaviors happen outside the level of awareness of well-intentioned individuals.    

It makes me feel very disturbed when I observe any negativity or hatred towards people of any culture, race, gender or ability and it makes me even more displeased to realize that responding to these microaggressions will cause no positive change if individuals are not culturally educated.    


My experience with microaggression behaviors have affected my perception of prejudice and stereotypes, because I have learned that if people do not understand something they will tend to assume, make a presumption or believe information with out facts or prof.  

The wisdom that I have gained is do not assume things, ask meaningful questions and be kind and respectful.  

I have learned that as a preschool educator we all need to have an open mind about the many different children and families in and around our community and be willing to accept their reality, and appreciate their differences. 


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Week: 3

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

The first person that I asked to describe the definition of culture and diversity is my 14 year old daughter Jada Nellie Nicole Lee.  I chose to ask my daughter because I wanted to know how much she she knew about culture and diversity.  Jada's definition of culture is " where you come from and how you are raised".  Jada explained that "some of the children in her classroom are from different countries like Africa and Brazil".  Her definition of diversity is "different ethnic groups and people who come together as one". Jada states that "my school is diverse, because we are all different in one way or another, and most of the children speak more than one language".  

The second person that I had the opportunity to talk to about culture and diversity is my next door neighbor Ms. Pearlie.  Ms. Pearlie is an elderly woman who shared with me that "she thought culture was her beliefs and what her mama and papa taught her  as a little girl growing up".  She expressed that she "remember when  the girls was not allowed to wear trousers only the boys and men wore pants back when I was a kid" she said.  Mrs. Pearlie's definition of diversity " is simple that we all have differences the people who look the same are different she explained there are no two people alike in this world, we are all created to be different".


The last person that I an opportunity to have a conversation about culture and diversity is my co worker Soumia.  Soumia was born in the country of Morocco and has been in America for 10 years.  She expresses to me that " culture is what I was taught in my country to be educated and have a good life.  My family has a very strong culture we have traditions and believe deeply in our religion.  Soumia said  "diversity to me is America".  She explains that " I came to America because it is a free country that provides opportunities for all hardworking people.  You can find all people from all countries here in America". 

The aspects of culture and diversity that I have studied in this course are similar to the answers that I have received from family and friends. From gaining knowledge and understanding I have learned that “ a person’s cultural group is related strongly to his or her ethnicity, which reflects the place of origin and cultural background of  the person’s ancestors or relatives who lived hundreds of years ago” ( Derman- Sparks 2010).    I have learned that “the world in which you are born in just one model of reality.  Other cultures are not failed attempts at being you; they are unique manifestations of the human spirit”.  Culture is much deeper and more significant than just costumes, holidays, foods, and objects and things that are easy to see, taste, and define in everyday life” ( Derman- Sparks 2010).  We are all the same inside but we are  also all different, we should take the time to get to know each other and celebrate our differences.    



 Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).   


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Week:2 Perspective Diversity & Equity, EDUC 6164

My Family Culture

The three items that I would choose that, 
represent my family culture and hold dear to me are:
 Family photo album, jewelry, and an American Flag.

Each of these three items represent something special to me and my family.

The jewelry is something that I hold dear to my heart because it has been giving to me each year since my 5th birthday.  Every year on my birthday my dad would give me a gift of jewelry and after I opened it he would put it on me.  Whether it was a necklace, bracelet, or earrings I enjoyed seeing his face light up as much as he enjoyed seeing mine.  I think as a child it was not so much the jewelry but having something to carry with me that my dad had giving me.   Because my father did not live with us and I did not see him as often, I appreciated having a gift from him as special as a piece of gold.  I'm a daddy's girl and he always melted my heart. :)

The American Flag is dear to my family and my self because it was giving to us when my father passed away.  This American Flag represents the hard work, dedication, and sacrifice that my father gave when serving our country.  I am proud to know that my dad was a brave, and courageous man with a big heart, who was willing to give his life to help the American country. 

 The photo albums is dear to me because it is visual images of some the memories of the good times and places that my family and I have experienced.  I have pictures of weddings, birthday celebrations, holidays, family reunions, and even the birth of the babies in our family.  I love taking picture and sharing memories while looking back.  

If I were told that I had to give up two of the items and only keep one, I think I would be sad and heart broken but I would have to keep the pictures and photo albums and give up the jewelry and flag.  The pictures make me smile, laugh, and cry.  I can actually feel the moments and memories of the many different experiences of the love, and joy when looking at the pictures.     

After this exercise I gained insight that I truly love my family and even know we go through struggles and hard times I thank God that he chose these people to be in my life.  I enjoy every minute that we spend together and I look forward to making many more memories.