Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week 8: EDUC 6990

Time Well Spent

My thoughts on completing this program is..

Thank you to all my Colleagues and Professors.  I greatly appreciate all of you sharing your wisdom and knowledge with me. I learned a great deal from you all and for that I am forever grateful.   

Three deeply felt learning's from this program

1. The goal for early childhood educators should be to make the most of children’s potential, strengthening and building upon their skills they bring when they enter programs. 

Education, as Cummings states, implies “drawing out children’s potential and making them more than they were” (NAEYC, n.d.). 

Educational programs and practices must recognize the strengths that children possess.

Whatever language children speak, they should be able to 
demonstrate their capabilities and also feel the success of being appreciated and valued. 

Teachers must build upon children’s diversity of gifts and skills and provide young children opportunities to exhibit these skills in early childhood programs” (NAEYC, n.d.).  Reference retrieved October 24, 2017, from: https://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/PSDIV98.PDF

2. A professional manager’s role to creating a positive work environment is to have “effective communication skills, knowledge of group dynamics and techniques for conflict resolution” (NAEYC, 2007).  Reference: Retrieved October, 24, 2017, from:https://www.naeyc.org/academy/files/academy/ProgramAdminDefinitionCompetencies.pdf

 A manager in the field of early childhood should have the ability to work as part of a professional team to support their staff, the children and families in their community. 

The specific things that I believe a manager should do to promote a positive work environment is to strive to be an effective listener and communicator.  

If administrators, directors, and managers connected with their team and colleagues creating connections, establishing trust, and showing appreciation this can promote positive work atmospheres. 

Competent directors are comfortable in their role balancing their responsibilities and overcoming challenges.  They have a better understanding of all aspects of the program and learn to resolve conflict objectively.   

“Confident directors are flexible when accommodating the needs of staff and adept at making expectations for staff clear, and mature directors strive for consistency and are interested in sharing their professional expertise as a mentor and role model”( Freeman, 2017 p.95). References retrieved October 24, 2017, from:Freeman, N. K., Decker, C. A., & Decker, J. R. (2017). Planning and administering early childhood programs (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

3. Our budget plan is established to “serve and act on behalf of the needs, rights and well-being of all young children with primary focus on providing educational and developmental services and resources” (NAEYC, n.d.).  

A financial plan will help to improve professional practices and support early childhood programs by working to achieve a high-quality system of early childhood education.  

With professional staff trainings, we hope to create an organization with groups and individuals who are committed to promoting excellence in early childhood education for all young children.  

Our goal is to promote a safe and welcoming, early childhood program that includes a developmentally age appropriate curriculum with educated and trained staff members to help support the children and families in and around our community. Reference retrieved October 24, 2017,  from:https://oldweb.naeyc.org/about/mission.asp

Long Term Goals

1st the need to commit myself to staying informed with current information and resources about children and families in the early childhood field.  

2nd devote my time to become an advocate for families and young children in society.

 3rd to collaborate with colleagues, administrators, directors, and other professionals to help better my knowledge and understanding about early childhood programs in and around my community. 


To all my fellow colleagues please keep in touch!  There is no I in the word TEAM! :)  Together we can achieve anything!!  I am only a text, call, or email away;)  Please feel free to contact me by any means necessary.   
Always n Forever Team Early Childhood. NicoleTyson/tysonnicole@yahoo.com

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Week 6: EDUC 6990

Job/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

At least three international organizations or communities of practice that appealed to you and why you chose them.

The Center for Education Diplomacy was founded by the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).  ACEI is an international non-profit based in Washington, D.C., USA, whose mission is to promote and support the optimal education, development, and well-being of children worldwide.  I choose this organization because, ACEI works to secure human future for all, and sees education as crucially important to achieving global peace and security, economic prosperity and stability, and a healthy, happy human race.

Education diplomacy supports comprehensive human development by promoting responsive systems and relationships both within the education sector and with related sectors as well, such as the health sector. The inter-connectivity supported by education diplomacy helps to secure sustainable futures for all.  The Center for Education Diplomacy is designed to provide a space for open discussion of this exciting concept. 
Its goals are to:
·         Lead the development of the concept of education diplomacy
·         Provide resources for organizations and individuals working to incorporate education diplomacy into their efforts
·         Create a cadre of experienced education diplomats to further global education and development goals.  Reference retrieved October 11, 2017 from:  http://www.educationdiplomacy.org/about-the-center-for-education-diplomacy/

125 Years and Counting

Committed to Innovation and Education for All

Since the very beginning, ACEI has been an international organization driven by the belief that education is essential to human development. More than a century later, this core belief remains the same as we look at human development on a global scale and see how education has the power to change lives. 
Today, the commitment to advancing education translates to a commitment to education as a tool for global development and sustainable futures for all. I choose this organization because, ACEI works for the education of all children, but has a special interest in ensuring that their energies are focused on meeting the education needs of the most fragile and vulnerable children.
ACEI’s work began in 1892, with the effort to promote kindergarten education in the United States and internationally.  In the 1930s, they broadened their focus to progressive education through the primary school years. 
Today, they focus on education of children and youth, birth to approximately 18 years. Since its founding, ACEI has been dedicated to improving early childhood education and development (ECD) and they remain firmly committed to this.
ACEI's  leadership and  sustained commitment to promoting education, access, equity, and quality earned them Consultative Status with the United Nations in 1977, a privilege that elevates ACEI’s influence and strengthens their impact as they respond to the needs of children and adolescents in a diverse and rapidly changing world.  Education is preceded only by the goals of eliminating poverty, ending hunger, and ensuring good health and well-being. At the same time, education is now being recognized as the means to address all these worthy goals—a catalyst for progress, with the power to transform lives and futures.  Reference retrieved October 11, 2017 from: https://www.acei.org/about/

 ISSA is a membership association, which serves as learning community and a champion for quality and equity for all children and their families.
The ISSA network embodies over 70 members from across Europe and Central Asia and is a dynamic mix of NGO’s, schools and kindergartens, higher education and academic institutions. All ISSA members work to ensure the best quality care and education for young children, especially the most vulnerable.
ISSA is a successful learning community where members share their knowledge and work in order to develop best practices in Early Childhood Development. I choose this association because, ISSA members are the leading experts in Early Childhood across Europe and Central Asia and strive to remain the best informed and the most innovative specialists in the field.
ISSA champions the right of all children to reach their unique, full potential and welcomes all organizations and individuals who have the same ambitions.
ISSA’s Goals are to:
  • Advocate for and support competent Early Childhood systems for all children, especially the most vulnerable.
  • Increase awareness of the importance of Early Childhood Development and of a qualified workforce.
  • Be a leading Early Childhood network and learning community that promotes quality, equitable and integrated services for children, families and practitioners.  Reference retrieved October 11, 2017 from: http://www.issa.nl/node/35
  • Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you
  • What skills and experience you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles

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EF English First, a division of EF Education First the world’s leading privately owned education company. Founded in 1965, EF operates in over 50 countries around the world. We have vacancies for teaching positions across China so if you prefer the fast paced city life like Shanghai, or want to be immersed in the more traditional culture of a smaller city, we probably have the position for you. We have both Kids & Teens schools and Adult schools in over 60 Cities in China.

At EF English First, you’ll be provided with the resources to become the best teacher you can be. Our new and colorful classrooms offer state-of-the-art technology including Internet connected computers, interactive whiteboards or touchscreen TVs and iPads. We also offer a world-class teacher development program with certification courses exclusively for our teachers to help them move into more senior positions within EF.


 Bachelor’s Degree
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